sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

2010 RF12

Asteroid 2010 RF12 (Fig.1) was observed at Siding Spring (Faulkes Telescope South) in 2010 September 07.61 UT, where six images, split into two consecutive sequences, were obtained with Sloan g, r, and i filters. We convert the obtained Sloan colors of the asteroid to the Johnson-Cousins photometric system using the transformation equations of Chonis and Gaskell (2008). The mean colors of the asteroid match a SR type. Using our estimated V magnitude and mean MPC magnitudes, we determined H=28.46±0.05 and G=0.31±0.06 (Fig.2). The G value (see Warner, Harris, and Pravec, 2009) suggests a more specific S-type classification of this object. The H magnitude, combined with the albedo typical of the S complex, implies D=6±1m.
These results were published in Betzler et al. (2012).

Fig.1 - 2010 RF12 (arrow) and  comparation stars

Fig.2 - Diagram of the reduced magnitude of 2010 RF12 as a function of phase angle.
The solid black line corresponds to a curve with H= 28.46±0.05 and G=0.31±0.06.

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